Great 3d crocheted birds to decorate
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The 3d figures like the crocheted birds that are made below are a magnificent alternative to create a decorative object or toy for the little ones, the dolls are made in the same way, a fabric is created and filled, a lot depends of the type of bird to know the accuracy of the points and the number of these, for this it is necessary to have a pattern, which will help us to have adequate control of what is being woven, there are even miniatures of these birds, they are a marvel of modern craftsmanship.
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To achieve excellent textures and so that children do not get hurt with this type of fabric, it is ideal to use wool thread, you must be careful with small pieces, these are usually what make up the eyes of the bird, they are small and made of plastic, there are others designs that do not have other parts and everything is made with fabric, be careful with these aspects when you make your bird, you must take into account what reason it will be used for, the eyes can be embroidered with black thread or the color you like, they are seen below some examples of crocheted birds of different sizes, species and colors.
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EASY STEPS TO FOLLOW TO MAKE CROCHETED BIRDS These birds are not individual, nests and woven eggs can be made in the same way, a whole scenography, as weaving begins with a knot, from which the chains and points will come off to form the figure, the fillings are usually with cotton, the same initial steps are similar to hand-woven dolls, some fabrics are made in pieces, much of this depends on the design of the figure, for example some birds have raised wings, these are regularly done separately.
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Much of the beginning of the crocheted birds depends on the type of bird, for some crocheted birds it begins with a knot and six single crochet, you have to leave a thread, so that when you finish the single crochet it is pulled and generated a kind of knot, this will generate a small ring, for the second round six increases are made, remember that we are talking about a small bird, the measurements in points change depending on the type of bird.
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DETAILS IN CROCHETED BIRDS The details are what generate the texture of the woven birds, these are to give it much greater realism, for example, in the continuous photograph you can see a design that has a tuft on its head, this type of detail is done with some kind of fabric or a little scraped thread, the colors in the details of the face give the work the appropriate realism, it should be noted that the measurement is precise to that of the bird, these birds are great for decorating gardens, balconies and terraces, they are not placed individually, certain spaces are created.
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To continue with our example, the third row is made with one stitch and an increase, at a certain moment, when you achieve about 18 stitches you should change the color of the thread, to achieve better results it is ideal that you use fabric markers, since the turns are decisive to achieve the perfect design, our narrated example begins with the head, then the belly is made and finally the wings to be attached with invisible thread or other stitches that adapt to the texture.
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