Ana SayfaCrochet & KnittingDecorate with these cute crochet cattail rugs Crochet & Knitting Decorate with these cute crochet cattail rugs By Decoration Temmuz 3, 2023 0 282 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Sponsored DIY Crochet, we love DIY and Crochet hand works Video – Galeri Crochet and Knitting Embroidery Decoration and DIY Garden DIY Galleries Contents Decorate with these cute crochet cattail rugs 1 | 19 Have you thought about giving your floors a sweetie, making them look ornate and cute? Among some alternatives, crochet reed rugs are a wonderful choice, since they are so easy to make that you will be surprised, they are also very, very cheap and they look fantastic on the floors of every room in your house. 2 | 19 As well as wool and cotton threads, it is possible to get the totora or totora in different colors and thicknesses, so you should keep this in mind when you go shopping, since there are: 1 kilogram which is equivalent to 100 meters approx. 400 grams, which are medium and small of 250 grams 3 | 19 SMALL MATS WITH PERSONALITY This beautiful crocheted rug and fabric in different colors, was first created with the intention of decorating a study space, however for our beloved pet it has been so comfortable that he has decided to make this small rug his area of Naps. And it is that one of the characteristics of the fabric is that due to its cylindrical shape it becomes very padded. 4 | 19 AND SOME LARGER MATS This beautiful reed rug covers a large area, ideal for turning it into the rug in the main living room, just under the coffee table in our living room. With a simple fabric, this T-shirt yarn rug can make our space a much more pleasant place. 5 | 19 We can also choose to give our fabric this shape and combine the colors with the rest of our decoration and although many people believe that it is very complicated, the truth is that it is so simple that you can learn only with the crochet carpet tutorials, just like i did. 6 | 19 And this combination of pastel colors, it was the one I chose for the rug in my room, and I finished it in a few hours, it was really fun, in fact it was the fourth creation I made when I started in the wonderful world of crochet. And as I told you before, you only search on the internet: how to make crocheted rugs and you have your class completely free. 7 | 19 8 | 19 9 | 19 10 | 19 11 | 19 12 | 19 13 | 19 14 | 19 15 | 19 16 | 19 17 | 19 18 | 19 19 | 19 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Decoration Önceki İçerikSonraki İçerikAmigurumi Cow Making and models RELATED ARTICLES Crochet & Knitting Crochet Towel Pattern: A Comprehensive Guide Crochet & Knitting Knit Simple Button Slippers Crochet & Knitting Crochet Simple Granny Square Slippers | Video tutorial Crochet & Knitting The Athena Owl Bag CEVAP VER İptal Yorum: Lütfen yorumunuzu giriniz! İsim:* Lütfen isminizi buraya giriniz E-Posta:* Yanlış bir e-posta adresi girdiniz! Lütfen e-posta adresinizi buraya girin Website: Ismimi, e-postamı ve web sitemi bir dahaki sefere bu tarayıcıya kaydet. Must Read Amigurumi Christmas Bags Amigurumi Amigurumi Kitten Timosha Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi Giraffe Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi Squirrel Free Pattern Amigurumi Crochet Reindeer Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi