Ana SayfaAmigurumiMacrame Gnomes Christmas Ornaments

Macrame Gnomes Christmas Ornaments

I’m completely addicted to these cute macrame gnomes ornaments. So addicted, I’m making them for other seasons as well. These DIY gnomes ornaments are so easy to make. I know you’ll be addicted, too!

Macrame Gnomes Christmas ornaments in three colors

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I love gnomes. They are also always a huge hit with my readers as well. I have several different gnomes tutorials here at Hootshack.

The concept is the same as my DIY Rope Gnomes, but since the macrame cord is a little different to work with, I figured a separate post showing how to make gnomes with macrame cord would be appropriate!

I’ve included a video for learning how to make macrame gnomes, but I’ll lay out the step-by-step instructions because you will need both! Be sure to read the entire post and then watch the video.

macrame gnomes in three colors

Macrame Gnomes Christmas Ornaments

active time: 5 minutes
additional time: 5 minutes
total time: 5 minutes
difficulty: Easy
estimated cost: Minimal

Macrame gnomes Christmas ornaments for an easy DIY Christmas Craft! Make adorable macrame Santa Gnomes in just a few minutes.


  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors


How To Make Macrame Gnomes Hats

  1. Make a loop for hanging and secure it with glue.
  2. Make a loop at the bottom that is a little larger than the hanging loop. You’ll learn to adjust for size, but around 3″ works fine. Pinch the loop at the bottom section of the hanging loop.
    Making a macrame gnome step 2


  1. Wrap behind that hanging loop and bring it around to the front. Pinch again. It’s hard to show this in the images, but I use a dot of hot glue here and there to keep securing things in place.
    Macing gnomes with macrame cord step 3
  2. You’ll repeat this process keeping in mind that you’re making the hat from top to bottom. Align each new loop on the hat along the bottom of the last loop. Don’t pull too tight because you want to maintain a hat shape. Secure with dots of glue as you go.
    making macrame gnomes
    making a macrame gnome santa hat
  3. When the hat is complete either tie the cord off in the back or glue the end to the back of the ornament.
    making a macrame santa

How To Make Macrame Gnome Beards

I have an entire post about How To Make A Gnome Beard Out of Yarn. You may want to take a look and choose the style you like best. You can also mix macrame and yarn for a different texture.

  1. The easiest way to make one is to wrap yarn macrame cord around 3 or four of your fingers about ten times. Tie the loops together with a knot and then snip through all of the loops at the bottom. Hold the bundle tightly at the knot and use a comb to brush through the cord to make it to make macrame gnomes beard
  2. The easiest way to do this is to start at the very bottom of the cords and comb the strands at the bottom then work your way to the top. Trim the beard into a nice shape.
    DIY Macrame santa gnome ornament
  3. Glue the bundle to the bottom of the hat by putting a dot of glue on the tip of the beard and glue up inside the loops at the bottom of the hat and then glue the nose.
    Macrame Sant Gnomes Ornaments
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