Ana SayfaAmigurumi Amigurumi By Decoration Temmuz 3, 2023 0 160 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Sponsored DIY Crochet, we love DIY and Crochet hand works Video – Galeri Crochet and Knitting Embroidery Decoration and DIY Garden DIY Galleries Contents Video – Galeri is a blg web site that have DIY videos 1 | 20 Today we have a special post because we are going to knit a Frida Kahlo amigurumi so if you like this artist or you just like Mexican culture and its traditions this amigurumi is for you. 2 | 20 If you want to have your own knitted Frida Kahlo doll, keep reading because today we will knit this iconic character who is not only part of Mexican culture, but also an icon of Latin America, art and feminism, and can you also use this pattern to knit another type of amigurumi dolls to give away or as a toy for your little ones. 3 | 20 FRIDA KAHLO HEAD AMIGURUMIS For many, the most complicated part of knitting an amigurumi is the head, but if you follow these steps you will realize that it is actually very simple and once you learn to knit this sphere you can knit another type of amiguruis. But before starting it is time to take note of the materials: 4 | 20 200 grams of peach-colored baby wool 100 grams of black baby wool 100 grams of baby wool in bright colors such as pink, yellow, orange 1 crochet hook of number 2 stuffed stuffed A pair of small black beads or buttons 5 | 20 To start with the head we are going to knit a basic crochet sphere, this is very simple, you just have to start with a magic ring, then knit 6 single crochets, close with a slip stitch. Then work two single crochets into each single crochet. In the next 110 rows, knit two increases in each row, then begin to knit two decreases in each row, when you are about to close, fill in and continue knitting until closing. 6 | 20 Mark a third part of the sphere or a little less to start putting the hair, for this join several strands with slip stitches and remember to leave each piece of wool long, to braid them later. When you have enough hair, weave two braids and hold them above her head, securing with several slip stitches. 7 | 20 Crochet some flowers with yarn in colors like pink, orange and yellow. For this you can make a strip of chain stitches, then knit a high stitch into each one and roll to form roses, then secure them on the head with slip stitches. 8 | 20 FRIDA KAHLO AMIGURUMIS BODY, ARMS AND LEGS To make the body of our doll, it is only necessary to start a sphere as in the head, with the color of peach wool. Knit the first ten rows in the same way but knit the next 20 without increasing or decreasing, so that a tube is formed. Then start knitting two decreases in each row, before closing stuffed and continue knitting without decreasing 3 or 4 rows to form the neck. 9 | 20 To form the arms and legs we are going to start in the same way, but instead of 6 single crochets, we are going to knit only 3, from round 10 we knit without decrease until we have the desired length, we fill and close the arm, we make the same for the other arm and the legs, although with them we can start in black to knit the shoe at once. 10 | 20 AMIGURUMIS FRIDA KAHLO CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES You are about to finish these Frida Kahlo amigurumis, all you have to do is knit the characteristic clothes for your amigurumi. Frida Kahlo’s dresses were very traditional and full of color on a black background, so with your black wool weave a fladitaa, for this you can make a simple crochet square with half stitches and then wrap the doll. That is if you have to decorate it with some crochet flowers. For the blouse you can do the same but in a more striking color. Don’t forget to knit a black shawl to complete her outfit. 11 | 20 To finish your Frida Kahlo amigurumos you just need to join each part with slip stitches or with a wool needle and the same wool. After dressing your doll, secure her clothes with a few slip stitches. Place the beads in the place of the eyes and do not forget to embroider her characteristic eyebrow. 12 | 20 13 | 20 14 | 20 15 | 20 16 | 20 17 | 20 18 | 20 19 | 20 20 | 20 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Decoration Önceki İçerikKnitted Children’s Bag ModelsSonraki İçerikMini Fun Animal Crochet Keychain Designs RELATED ARTICLES Amigurumi Amigurumi Christmas Bags Amigurumi Amigurumi Kitten Timosha Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi Giraffe Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi Squirrel Free Pattern CEVAP VER İptal Yorum: Lütfen yorumunuzu giriniz! İsim:* Lütfen isminizi buraya giriniz E-Posta:* Yanlış bir e-posta adresi girdiniz! Lütfen e-posta adresinizi buraya girin Website: Ismimi, e-postamı ve web sitemi bir dahaki sefere bu tarayıcıya kaydet. Must Read Amigurumi Christmas Bags Amigurumi Amigurumi Kitten Timosha Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi Giraffe Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi Squirrel Free Pattern Amigurumi Crochet Reindeer Free Pattern Amigurumi Amigurumi