    Ana SayfaAmigurumiAmigurumi Mermaid Doll Free Pattern

    Amigurumi Mermaid Doll Free Pattern

    Amigurumi Doll

    Crochet Mermaid Amigurumi Free Pattern

    Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.

    Cotton wool with milk
    2.5mm 4/0 hook.

    ( ms ) / ( sc ): greenhouse mesh
    ( ml ) / ( ch ): Chainette, Air mesh
    ( MR ): Magic ring
    ( dim ) / ( dec ): decrease, decrease, decrease
    ( augm ) / ( inc ): increase
    ( M ) / ( st ): Point ( pt ) mesh
    ( FLO ): work only in the front loops
    ( BLO ): work only in rear loops
    ( d-br, dble.b ) / ( tr ): Double flange
    ( br ) / ( dc ): flange
    ( dB ) / ( hdc ): half flange
    ( mc ) / ( sl-st ): casting mesh, small mesh
    ( db / dbr ) ( dtr ): Double flange
    ( mct ) / ( tch ): chain meshes to rotate
    ( 3msm ) / ( sc3tog ): 3 ms in the same mesh
    ( F.o. ): Stop the wire.

    R1: MR 7ms
    R2: 7inc ( 14 )
    R3: 7 * ( ms, augm ) ( 21 )
    R4: 7 * ( 2ms, augm ) ( 28 )
    R5: 7 * ( 3ms, augm ) ( 35 )
    R6: 7 * 4 ( 4ms, augm ) ( 42 )
    R7-18: 42ms
    R19: 14 * ( ms, dim ) ( 28 )
    R20: 14dim

    R1: MR, 6ms
    R2-11: 6ms
    FO. Leave a long tail for the seam.

    Yellow thread
    R1: MR, 4ms
    R2: 2 * ( ms, augm ) ( 6 )
    R3: 3augm, 3ms ( 9 )
    R4: 9ms
    R5: 3 * ( ms, augm ), 3ms ( 12 )
    R6: 3 * ( 2ms, augm ), 3ms ( 15 )
    R7: 3 * ( 3ms, augm ), 3ms ( 18 )
    R8: 3 * ( 4ms, augm ), 3ms ( 21 )
    R9: 7 * ( 2ms, augm ) ( 28 )
    R10: 7 * ( 3ms, augm ) ( 35 )
    R11-13: 35ms
    R14: 7 * ( 3ms, dim ) ( 28 )
    R15: 28ms
    Change skin color thread
    R16-17: 28ms
    R18: 7 * ( 2ms, dim ) ( 21 )
    R19: 21ms
    R20: 7 * ( ms, dim ) ( 14 ) Link to arms
    R21: 3ms, 4ms on arm 1, jump 4ms on arm 1 and on body, 4ms on body, 4ms on arm 2, jump 4ms on arm 2 and on body, 1ms on body = 14sc
    R22-23: 14ms
    FO. Leave a long tail for the seam.

    Fish Quue( 2 )
    R1: MR, 4ms
    R2: 2 * ( ms, augm ) ( 6 )
    R3: 3 * ( ms, augm ) ( 9 )
    R4: 3 * ( 2ms, augm ) ( 12 )
    R5-6: 12ms
    R7: 3 * ( 2ms, dim ) ( 9 )
    R8: 3 * ( ms, dim ) ( 6 )
    FO. Leave a long tail for the seam.

    Hair ( Lock )
    R1: MR, 8ms
    R2: BLO 8augm ( 16 )
    26ml – > 25 ms, mc in the same m, 26 ml – > 25 ms; next mc, 26 ml – > 25 ms, mc in the same m, 26 ml – > 25 ms … continue until there are 5 m left. next mc, 9 ml – > 8 ms, next mc, 9 ml – > 8 ms … continue until the end. This layer we will have 22 long strands and 5 short strands for the fringe.
    26ml – > 25 ms, mc in the same m, 26 ml – > 25 ms; next mc, 26 hp – > 25 ms, mc in the same m, 26 hp – > 25 ms … continue until the end. This layer we will get 16 long strands.

    To end
    • Fill the head, the body with padding fiber
    • Assembly pieces as a sample
    • Safety eyes 6 mm
    • Use pins to form the wig on the head, use a hot glue gun to fix each wick / layer. Put the wig upside down.
    • Use small pearls, flower-shaped buttons for decoration.
    • Shells on the chest: MR, ml1, 7dB, ml1, mc in the MR, tighten it. Stick to the chest.

    Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!

    All Finished.


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