DIY Crochet, we love DIY and Crochet hand works
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A special date such as your anniversary is coming up, or you simply want to give a gift that you have made yourself, review these ideas on how to make easy knitted hearts and start making your crochet heart easy pattern.
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FUNNY HEART DESIGN FOR COUPLES WHAT YOU NEED… Wool (red, white and blue) Hook (the gauge will depend on the thickness of the wool) Scissors synthetic cotton black thread and needle
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HOW TO DO IT… We will knit with chains at the beginning and semicircular V stitch for the body of the heart, we will knit the first half in red and the other in blue, we will knit the arms separately, on the fingers we will use fan stitch with 4 double crochet, separately we will knit the eyes with white wool and ring stitch, after this we will glue the arms and eyes, finally we will embroider the eyes and mouth with black thread, it is ready.
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HEARTS SHAPED GIFT BOX Good option to put sweets and some other detail inside. WHAT YOU NEED… Wool (red, pink or at your discretion) Hook (the gauge will depend on the thickness of the wool) Scissors HOW TO MAKE THEM… Knit with chain stitches and double crochet stitches, first start with the base of the heart and shape it, and knit the edges separately and finally join (I recommend using a thick yarn to give them firmness). hearts for keyrings
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Create and gift these lovely crochet hearts for key rings. WHAT YOU NEED… Wool (red, pink or at your discretion) Hook (the gauge will depend on the thickness of the wool) Scissors HOW TO MAKE THEM… We will start this type of fabric from the center of the heart with chains and ring stitch, followed by double crochet taking only the back strand, it will only be a matter of giving it the shape and size that we consider appropriate.
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CROCHET HEART FOR DECORATION This model could be used to decorate our rooms with tables, furniture, electronic devices, and it even occurs to me that we can give it the use it is given in this image, and it is as a separator for that book that we are reading, the truth is in any place could fit this lovely design. WHAT YOU NEED…
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Wool (red or at your discretion) Hook (the gauge will depend on the thickness of the wool) Scissors
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HOW TO DO IT… Knit the edges with a fan stitch of 6 double crochet, followed by a chain and double crochet, then a net stitch, we continue knitting chains to form the heart of the center and ring stitch, as shown in the image. Other simple ways to use the crochet craft, prepare everything for your gift and make your own
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